Gaakaa Tech

Sustainability & ESG

About Us

Sustainability & ESG

# Consultancy on various Requirements of Sustainability & ESG
# Consultancy for Carbon Footprint and Carbon Neutrality
# BRSR Consultancy
# EPR (Extended Producers Responsibility) Consultancy
# Higg Index Consultancy
# GHG Accounting & Reporting Consultancy
# Independent GHG Verification as a Lead Verifier
# Ecovadis Consultancy
# Together for Sustainability (TfS) Consultancy
# Ecomark Consultancy

Reach Out to Us

Eager to embark on your next project? Connect with Gaakaa Tech today to explore your ideas and find out how we can help realize your vision. Our team is committed to making the process seamless, enjoyable, and ultimately successful for you.